Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves,one another,this country and this world
" Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves,one another,this country and this world"
Somewhere inside of all of us is the power to change the world.The power to vote for your country is an important part of a democratic country
Every vote counts.Each vote has the potential to make a significant difference To imbibe these values,the candidates for the Post of School HeadBoy and Head Girl(City Campus) participated in the campaigning.Middle section students exercised their precious Right to Vote,giving them a real life experience to participate in the democratic process.
The counting of votes began in the Headmistress office in the presence of all 5 candidates. Kushagar Arora got the maximum number of votes and got elected as The Head Boy of the school whereas Gurman Kaur was the winner among the girls with maximum votes and was elected as The Head Girl for the session 2023-24.